How to participate in telehealth services from Achieve PT.
Option 1. If you or a loved one have a smart phone, computer or other device with a camera on it you can easily participate in a face to face session with your therapist one on one.
( Just the same as a facetime activity). We only need an e-mail address to send you the invite. You will see an invite pop up on your screen at your designated time.
Hit accept and follow the simple instruction to allow connection with us.
Option 2. If you or a loved one do not have any of the above we can perform a brief over the phone catchup visit to answer any questions you have on your current status or progress with some tips on what you can do at home to keep things moving forward. We will only need you to call us at the scheduled time To initiate the session. (we can give you a reminder if you prefer)
Questions and Answers
Is this covered by my insurance?
As of 3/23/2020 All major insurances have agreed to cover Telehealth services
Can I still come to therapy at Achieve if I choose?
You are still welcome to come to your regular scheduled sessions. You may also choose to split or supplement your sessions with a separate Telehealth visit.
Will my doctor be informed that I’m doing this?
Absolutely. Your referring provider will be kept in the loop on what you are doing. You may even ask or request they refer you for this service
Does my co-pay still apply ?
Some insurances are still requiring a co-pay but are working on an option to waive if there is a hardship with the current climate. For medicare, they are indicating there are no co-pays or deductibles.
How often can this be done?
It depends on your insurance. Medicare: only 1 visit every seven days. Others have not listed any specific restrictions or guidelines. Remember this is mainly to guide you along through the current situation until you can resume or finish out your planned care